Thursday, December 25, 2008

It was a White Christmas!

For the week leading up to Christmas, we have had snow and then rain, and a little more snow, and then rain again. We had arrived at the point of muddy, messy slush. Then, Christmas morning it snowed hard for two hours, making everything beautiful again! Every tree with an icing of soft snow, little clouds, fat flakes, rays of sun --our view kept changing!

Calvin and Carl are heading down our hill to go on yet another walk. This dog revels in the snow! ;-)

What better thing to do on a cold, pre-Christmas day, than to gather some friends and bake cookies?!


julia made us beautiful boxes
thanks ingles!!!!!!

mom made us great vests, that are reversable, with matching purses! we love them!

mom made us angels for our ornaments this year

justine made the girls matching skirts, julia makes a good model for them...

SIT calvin. good dog


pop found his stocking
julia searching for hers (it wasnt up there)
ma found hers
making magnets for the fam this year


Our first Christmas in the house Carl built for us!!! We didn't have cupboards yet in the kitchen, most of the finish work was still to be done, and our Christmas stockings were still in some box we hadn't managed to unearth!! But, we were very happy to be HOME.

Christmas '05

Carl painted on shoes for each of the girls.

Julia made pillowcases for her sisters.

Our house is framed now (- in a year we would be living in it!)

Carl, the long haired, putting up our Christmas candy display ...

Madeline has started ballet classes.

a gift from the Shumways! thanks and yum!

Carl's big surprise for us! He led us on a scavenger hunt to find it!

The river was soooo high!

Then there was Christmas 2003!

Here are this year's hand made Christmas presents: name plaques. We all worked together on them at Carl's shop (the one at the old McClellan AFB). Carl planed the wood, and then we wrote the name on the board for him to 'carve.' Next, we would paint the name. It was fun because you didn't have to be careful: After the paint dried, Carl planed each one more time, and any paint that was out of the grooves of the letters got 'wiped' away!

The girls, painting in the names.

Meegan, concentrating on lettering. We used all different 'fonts,' so to speak. (LOL)

Carl also made some awesome, metal dinner triangles!

Carl had this surprise for us: a piano bench (that he made, of course). The wood came from old pallets. The red seat is a soft leather.

JULIA!! I think this was at a Christmas concert where she performed ... Was this the year she played the trombone in the school band?!? (age 9, grade 4)


Don't remember who we had over to take these for us, but they are some of my (Meegan's favorites). The red wall in the living room was a fairly new thing. It was a good year; we were a happy family at a good time in everyone's growth!
(The girls are 9, 11 and 13.)

Fishy, fishy, make a wishy! -The girls' new Christmas ornaments for the year. The fat fish were from Grammie. Thanks! The chubby mermaids were from our trip to Santa Cruz.

A Christmas Past - 2004

Our new house in Nevada City. We moved in the end of Sept. 2004 after 11 years in Elk Gove.

This year Carl turned wooden bowls for the gifts for "all our many loved ones."

Look at what we had to take to the post office!

Grammie came to be with us for Christmas! What a special holiday her visit made for us. :-)

Making a gingerbread house, in remembrance of Grandpa Woodwell who would always send one to the girls.

Santa hid Grammie's stocking! -One of our fun, favorite Christmas traditions.

Later on Christmas day, we went for a walk by the S. Yuba River.

Could you find a bigger rock??!!
Girls: Justine is 14, Madeline 12, and Julia 10.

It was New Year's Eve, and it snowed for us! Our first snow in Nevada City . . .